
complain complain

I absolutely cannot stand some of my teachers. My parents have long ago decided to get into the routine of saying "You're always going to run into people you don't get along with Lindsay, just stick through it". Granted, if this was a one time thing I would get it but I've done a lot of sticking through. I've gone through bad teachers who told me I needed professional help, piano instructors that were fairly creepy and forced friendships that always ended with me in tears (circa '96?). And the only time either of my parents admitted their method was wrong was with the latter.

I hate day one period four classes. Vocal is my major, I should enjoy the class but I don't. I swear, some days it's like she has a personal vendetta against me. I'll admit I'm not the best student but I still believe she should respect me or, at the very least, not take her stress out on her class.

Three more months. Three more months. Three more months!

Things would be so much easier if I had laser vision.

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